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Frequently Asked Questions


Q: When were The ChaiNamics established?
A: We officially became an RSO Spring of 2011, but the group technically began the semester before, in Fall of 2010, founded by Caryn Stark.


Q: What type of music do you guys sing?
A: Our repertoire is super diverse. We sing songs in both Hebrew and English, ranging from pop to rock and even choral music.


Q: Do I have to be Jewish to be in The ChaiNamics?
A: Nope! Totally doesn’t matter. As long as you’re cool with singing some Hebrew songs, you’re golden.


Q: Where have you performed?
A: We are so proud of all we have accomplished since our establishment in 2011. The ChaiNamics have one concert every semester and donate a portion of the proceeds to a different charity organization each concert. In addition to our big concerts, we have performed at DelAc, UD’s concert for all the a cappella groups on campus. We have performed at UD’s Christian a cappella group Vision’s concert, as guests. We have performed the Star Spangled Banner at a UD basketball game. We have performed for the residents of Kutz nursing home in Wilmington. We have also performed at Relay For Life, Shabbat at Hillel, and even outside the Christiana Mall for funsies. ☺



Q: How do you pronounce your name? What does it even mean?

A: The ‘Chai’ part is pronounced like…. Here, let’s let a video explain! 25 seconds in: should do the trick.

'Chai in Hebrew means 'life.'

As for our name as a whole, CHAInamics is a play off of DYnamics, which are incredibly important, both in our arrangements and with each other.



Q: What is your motto?

A: Stay Fly, Live Chai!



Q: What should I expect at an audition for The ChaiNamics?
A: Good question! For your audition, we will test your vocal range as well as your pitch-matching. We will then ask you to perform for us a verse and a chorus of a song of your choice (bonus points if it’s a Hebrew song!). Finally, we’ll ask you a few fun questions!


Q: Why are you guys so good-looking?
A: We could ask the same thing about you! ☺



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